School Reopen Plan for April 6th, 2021

Good afternoon PRUSD families,


We want to thank everyone for submitting their responses to the survey.  It was vital in understanding what resources would be required in order to invite more students back on campus for in-person instruction. It has been our goal to offer in-person instruction for all students so we evaluated the feasibility at each grade level while still complying with school safety requirements from the California Department of Public Health. Unfortunately, the district has determined that we just don’t have the number of teachers necessary at the elementary level to accommodate the smaller class sizes required when following proper classroom safety protocol. 


We are, however, drafting a plan to open more classes at Magnolia. Their current instructional model affords our middle school students just 2 days of in-person instruction each week whereas our elementary students receive four.  The goal is to provide our middle school students 4 days of in-person instruction beginning on April 6th.  More information will be provided by the middle school staff within the next two weeks.   


We thank you for your continued support.
